Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Water Polo

Lately I have been thinking about a long lost love of mine. Yes, recently, i have been thinking a lot about water polo. Before I left for Australia I remember thinking that as soon as I got back that i would begin training for and competing in water polo! Well, i still want to. But not quite at the collegiate level that i did beforehand. Its amazing how two years on the mission will shape you into what you really need in your life.
I can't quite explain my reasoning, except for the fact that I do not want to play for University of Utah anymore. I'd much rather just play pick up games and summer leagues for a while.
While i have made the decision, it is still fun to look at the memories of the past... check these out!
Playing some defense
Sweet shot from outside
Reed and I teamin up on poor goalie

These are just a few pictures that i've been looking at, but ultimately it is decided. Water Polo is the best sport out there
Just ask Reed.

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